My intersts keep changing everyday and that is annoying me, i just need one thing that is easy but effective that i can work on doing. i have a problem with bordom becasue im almost constantly bored and i need something to ditract me from when im down.

is there something you can think of that is cheap or free also im autistic and dylexic and i usally make post about boredom.

  • TechyDad
    12 years ago

    Building with LEGO can be fun, but obviously buying tons of sets costs a lot of money and displaying them takes up a lot of space.

    A nice alternative is using BrickLink Studio. This software lets you build LEGO creations using a 3D CAD-style software. You can not only build creations, but can generate photorealistic images. Here’s a recent virtual build of mine:

    You can upload your creations to and download other people’s creations.

    If you really want to build your creation, you can upload the parts list to BrickLink and buy new or used pieces. Obviously, this last part takes real money, but buying used pieces can bring down the cost.