• jiji
      02 years ago

      May I ask why? I never used Stitcher but a few podcasts I listen to had premium on it. And why do you dislike IHR? Several podcasts I listen to are IHR productions. :(

      • Satelllliiiiiiiteeee
        12 years ago

        For a long time Stitcher was taking public podcast feeds, adding their own advertising, and re-encoding the podcasts which reduced the audio quality and made it harder for podcasters to tell how many downloads they were getting. For iHeart it’s honestly mostly ideological for me. iHeart is what Clear Channel rebranded to and they control more of American terrestrial radio than any other company. Having listened to podcasts since 2005 I liked that they were a lot smaller scale, that they were more community oriented and diy. Yes there were networks like Maximum Fun and TWiT, but none of them were on the scale that iHeart is. There is some good stuff on their network, but like a lot of the corporations that only started getting into podcasts after Serial they have a much different view of what podcasts are and should be than I do.

        • jiji
          22 years ago

          That’s really scummy of Stitcher. Wow.

          And I totally get the anti IHR monopoly thing!

          Thank you for explaining your feelings. :)