Now that we’re not locked into 1 or 2 companions that can’t die, we can finally start using them to fill the gaps in our warframe’s arsenal! Did you find any good uses like that yet?

Looks like Helios is a pretty good armorstrip bot now, combining the Deconstructor with Vicious Bond.

Dethcube seems like a good fit on energy starved warframes thanks to its energy (orb) generator, possibly combined with Duplex Bond? Dunno if companion weapons ever get strong enough to kill high level enemies on their own though

I was thinking about trying out a Chesa for survival missions when you don’t have a Nekros but I dunno if Retrieve helps at all since it only fires off every 10 seconds with a 45% chance of success

What kind of stuff have you tried?

  • Keegen
    1 year ago

    Dethcube is awesome for reliable energy generation with gas moded Helstrum, Adarza is great with Tenacious Bond and Bite, Nautilus is really good now with it’s Cordon ability and Manifold Bond (and Helstrum to help apply statuses). I haven’t touched any of the dogs (either biological or robotic) or Moas as their abilities were rather unimpressive even if they could stay alive forever. Here’s hoping Phase 2 makes them better with it’s companion ability rework. Oh, and good old Panzer is still really good, baseline 30sec revive while still spitting viral everywhere makes it remain a reliable option (it’s also hella tanky now).

    • @KaldoOP
      1 year ago

      Is Adarza the only companion that can get above 50% crit chance? Seems kinda wasteful to dedicate the whole companion just for x1.2 crit damage but then again, maybe they do decent damage on their own nowadays.

      I was planning to try Hunter Synergy and see if that counts in potentially activating Tenacious Bond on any companion

      • Keegen
        11 year ago

        All cats can get to over 75% crit chance with Bite alone, and a +1,2 crit multiplier is well worth 2 mod slots on a companion. Adarza just also has Cat’s Eye, so you get to often double dip on the buffed crit damage with orange/red crits. Whether that’s better than something like a Panzer is up to your frame/weapons, but it’s a worthy contender now.

        • @KaldoOP
          21 year ago

          Ohh, cat’s eye, I see. A bit annoying it only has 1/3 uptime overall but it does seem like a nice additive bonus, and as an overall solid buffer for crit builds.

          • Keegen
            1 year ago

            It’s actually around 40% uptime with Tek Enchance. It’s pretty useless during high mobility missions when your kavat spends most of it’s time trying to catch up to you, but during more stationary ones it’s pretty good. It’s also affects teammates, so that’s a little extra added utility.

      • Keegen
        1 year ago

        You want Dethcube to tag as many enemies as possible so he gets credit for Energy Generator, gas leaves a lingering AoE on enemies so if they run next to a guy your Helstrum didn’t hit, that enemy is now damaged by Dethcube and contributes to Energy Generator stacks.
        Edit: I also forgot to mention that Gas procs linger on the spot even after the afflicted enemy dies, so you get even more chances for free tags for our dethly cube to generate energy for you.