Hello im a highschooler who struggles with everything and i have autism along witha few other things. i dont hav ea job and im afraid to drive ,not only tha tmos tof my tech is low end so im very limited.

Ive been wanting to create somethign but im not sure what also my intersts changes each day and i tend to pick things that are to hard for me, also im afraid of pointy things like knifes, saws, etc becasue im a clutz. righ now im thinking of trying music or covers but i hav eno musical talent also i dont se ethe point, and idk how that even works.

is there a hobby or thing you would suggest for a loser like me?

  • @fiasco@possumpat.io
    42 years ago

    You have to enjoy a hobby in itself, if you’re too focused on results then you’ll have problems with the gulf between your ability and your aspiration. Is there anything you’ve tried doing that you just enjoy doing? Like do you just enjoy banging on a piano or drawing or writing, regardless of the output?