Do articles about medicine go in the Science community? Seemed like the best place for what I thought was a really well written article about this niche subject matter.

… Kevin said that he had undergone five surgeries with Elist, including two upgrades, a revision and a removal, and his penis no longer functioned.

Still, Kevin had always found the surgeon to be caring, if a little preoccupied. “He reminded me of Doctor Franken­stein — the intensity of him wanting this thing to come to life,” Kevin told me. It sounded strange, he acknowledged, but before each operation he’d been filled with excitement. “You just feel relieved that you’re fixing something,” he said.

At an appointment earlier this year, Kevin said, Elist promised to fix him again with a sixth procedure, but one of the surgeon’s assistants discreetly advised against it…

    12 years ago

    This is horrifying. I don’t see how you can possibly justify the existence of a procedure that can go so wrong. On the plus side, reading this article definitely makes me feel much better about my own penis size. (In the sense that I’m grateful to have a penis that’s normal and functioning.)