Fun fact: infinities can be different sizes, such that one infinity can be larger than another.
They’re still infinities, with no end. Just of different absolute sizes. Fun stuff to rabbithole down into if you want to melt your brain on a lazy afternoon.
Even more fun: nobody can agree on how many there are (some people say none!), and mathematics is self-consistent regardless of if you assume certain ones definitely doordefinitely don’t exist.
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Um excuse me time actually already ended in 1991
No, that was the world that ended in 2012.
Fun fact: infinities can be different sizes, such that one infinity can be larger than another.
They’re still infinities, with no end. Just of different absolute sizes. Fun stuff to rabbithole down into if you want to melt your brain on a lazy afternoon.
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Even more fun: nobody can agree on how many there are (some people say none!), and mathematics is self-consistent regardless of if you assume certain ones definitely do or definitely don’t exist.
In what unit? They’re not scale invariant.
Also in case you’re serious, I’m sure (by the pigeonhole principle) you’ll run out of exponents just about as fast as you would run out of integers.
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boy do i have a bad news for you…
Which is definitely a totally normal and everyday operation that normal people do with dates
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