When should developers go back and remaster or remake their most popular games?

  • @De_Narm@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    I may be an outlier here, but I don’t think remakes should be done at all anymore. They were great when the medium was still new and we made major jumps between generations or when we started to figure 3D out. Nowadays, I can’t even tell the difference between a PS4 and PS5 game. The medium is evolved enough to just go back and play the originals without them feeling dated in a bad way. Take for example the demon souls remake: Yes, it looked nice, but people argue to this day whether or not it’s better. The gameplay is identical. Or even worse: Look at Pokemon. The remake for Gen 4 is worse than the original and didn’t even include Platinum content. Instead of wasting dev time on a full on remake, they could have ported Platinum to the switch and called it a day. A remake probably only makes sense anymore if you can’t port a game at all. Make new games instead.

    • @Sentinian@lemmy.one
      61 year ago

      New games don’t make as much money as old games that people are nostalgic for. I hate that fact but its what the AAA industry has turned towards

      • Coelacanth
        21 year ago

        It’s not just AAA gaming but all over Hollywood too, has been for a while. Nostalgia is a powerful force and churning out sequels or prequels or spinoffs off of recognizable IPs is just less risky an investment than trying to make something new.

        • Match!!
          21 year ago

          Buddy I have news for you about folktales and oral histories

      • @De_Narm@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Unfortunately you’re right seeing how well the Super Mario RPG remake does. They could have put the original on their online service and worked on a new one instead. That’s something I dislike about pretty much all media.

        If I want nostalgia, I go back to the original anyways.