An update to Google's privacy policy suggests that the entire public internet is fair game for it's AI projects. If Google can read your words, assume they belong to the company now, and expect that they’re nesting somewhere in the bowels of a chatbot.
An update to Google’s privacy policy suggests that the entire public internet is fair game for it’s AI projects.
It’s a plain text file that is hosted on your site that should be visible to the internet. Basically allows/disallows scraping from search engines in your site.
Basically it’s a file people put in their root directory of their domain to tell automated web crawlers what sections of the website and what kind of web crawlers are allowed to access their resources.
It isn’t a legally binding thing, more of a courtesy. Some sites may block traffic if they’re detecting the prohibited actions, so it gives your crawlers an idea of what’s okay in order to not get blocked.
What’s robots.txt
It’s a plain text file that is hosted on your site that should be visible to the internet. Basically allows/disallows scraping from search engines in your site.
Here’s an example
Basically it’s a file people put in their root directory of their domain to tell automated web crawlers what sections of the website and what kind of web crawlers are allowed to access their resources.
It isn’t a legally binding thing, more of a courtesy. Some sites may block traffic if they’re detecting the prohibited actions, so it gives your crawlers an idea of what’s okay in order to not get blocked.