At work we somehow landed on the topic of how many holes a human has, which then evolved into a heated discussion on the classic question of how many holes does a straw have.
I think it’s two, but some people are convinced that it’s one, which I just don’t understand. What are your thoughts?
A straw is topologically the same as a donut. It absolutely has one hole.
Just realized humans are topological donuts
Dude your mom’s a topological donut
You guys are all getting down voted and this misses out on the pure entertainment value of these comments
Thought so, donut.
If Gordon Ramsey were a cartographer…
Almost. First you need to choose the minimum size of a hole. If you define a hole as something just a bit larger than skin pores, a human has 7 holes. Even when defining a hole as something around 1cm, you have at least 3 holes (your nostrils, mouth and anus share one cavity).
Doughnuts don’t have holes, “donutholes” notwithstanding. A doughnut is a torus. If you poke through the side of a doughnut, then it has a hole.
Take a pancake. Put a hole in it. It’s now a torus.
Sure, but it’s a pancake with a hole in it. Pancakes ought to be disks (which is, topologically, a squashed sphere).
If you put a hole in a doughnut it is no longer a torus. A hole deforms the manifold of an object.