I’ve really been enjoying Duviri story wise and gameplay wise. I know I’ve had several people talk about how much they loved Zariman, I like the new modes but the tiles themselves are a bit much for me personally

  • @Keekles
    31 year ago

    I just wish the Railjack ai pilots weren’t so dumb. It’s hard to find groups for railjack, and the ai pilots just spin in place or are otherwise completely useless. :(

    • Rylatar
      41 year ago

      That’s why I never use AI pilots. I put my folks on guns when I’m not farming XP plus one engineer and pilot myself. Well piloting is the most fun part to me too.

      • @Anhanguara
        31 year ago

        I do the same configuration on my crew, I just focus on piloting and let them do the shooting. Been ages since I was boarded… only complaint I have is having to leave the pilot seat to shoot the Artillery.

      • @Keekles
        21 year ago

        I do the same, but those grineer missions where you have to hop into do objectives while the ship does another outside objective just end up taking so much time because AI pilot is busy spinning in circles out there in the wide expanse of space.