The first loot frame, the necromancer, nr.1 source of confusion for new players as to why that enemy I’m shooting is not dying - Nekros!

Release date: 2013-09-13

Passive: A master of death, Nekros regenerates 5 points of Health any time an enemy dies within 10 meters of him. His passive can also heal Companions.
Soul Punch - A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy’s very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path.
Terrify - Casts fear into the hearts of nearby enemies, causing them to run away in terror.
Desecrate - Forces fallen enemies around you to drop additional loot.
Shadows of the Dead - Summons shadow versions of vanquished enemies to fight alongside you for a short period of time.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Nekros’ component blueprints can be obtained from defeating Lephantis on Magnacidium, Deimos.

  • @Kaldo
    11 year ago

    I really like Nekros and the type of build he can go for, he’s still my goto frame for long survivals since otherwise you tend to run out of life support no matter how many enemies you kill. It does feel like he doesn’t have any interesting abilities though, desecrate is practically a passive and terrify is a good armor strip but the rest might as well not exist. I think I have petrify subsumed for his #1 for added loot generation and some CC.

    • Convict45
      11 year ago

      I’d suggest replacing petrify with Pull. Pull has more range than any other ability. Just yank them into Nekros’ range!

      • @Kaldo
        11 year ago

        Petrify and Desecrate are 2 different types of loot generation so they stack, it’s mostly a way to create even more drops for the team. Pull could be fun indeed tho

        • Convict45
          11 year ago

          The problem with Petrify is that it affects so few, and only manually. There’s just no scenario I can think of where Atlas would outperform Mag simply by having Mag bring more enemies faster into the range of a trio of Nekros, Hydroid, and Khora.

          • @Kaldo
            11 year ago

            I usually run a max range nekros so range is rarely an issue. It also feels really good to cast petrify when you run into a corridor full of basic grunts, you get an instant statue/pinata gallery 😁