Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn’t translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.
Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.
As a kid, I was in the room at one point while my mom was watching some TV show, maybe law and order or something similar. I heard somebody letting somebody else know (verbally) the details of some victim and described the cause of injury or death or whatever as “GSW”. I asked my mom what GSW meant. She said “gun shot wound”. I said that that couldn’t possibly be right, and she was curious why. I said because “gun shot wound” is 3 syllables and “GSW” is 5; it’s literally quicker to say the full thing.
So yeah, GSW is fucking stupid when said aloud, and even me as a dumbass child knew that.
I guess it’s faster to write, so people started to say it as well.
How often do You have to use the phrase “gun shot wound” in everyday speak? Found the American.
It was specifically in a police TV show, spare us the tried joke.
It’s used a lot in law enforcement and certain medical environments like hospitals with trauma centers and morgues.
In law enforcement? Probably every day, yeah. The average person, surprisingly not all that often. In fact, law enforcement probably uses it hundreds of times a day, and more importantly writes and reads it hundreds of times a day, thus the acronym.
Even that is a very American way of thinking. The number of gun shot wounds a police officer sees in the US is way higher than in comparable European countries.
I could not find exact data for wounds, but if you take gun fatalities as placeholder (I am sure they are connected) here:
You can see that precovid (2019) in the US there were 63x more gun fatalities than in Germany per person. In an average 1 million person city the police in the US has to deal with about 32 gun fatalities. In Germany that city has 1 every other year, in Australia it is 1-2 every year.
While the fictional US police department has every two weeks one or more fatality, the fictional German and Australian see it once a year.
So the frequency of it occuring and it being written about is way higher in the US than in comparable countries.
(Of course the comparing the amount of firearm fatalities between countries is not an exact replacement for gun shot wounds, but it should be close)
Don’t worry, I liked your post.
W does that in acronyms. Compare syllables in World Wide Web…
“Dubya” is one syllable, maybe two depending on your particular accent
Edit: Unfortunately I was extremely stoned at the time of this message and that should have been “[…] two syllables, maybe one depending […]” but I’m leaving it up as evidence of my dumbshittery since it spawned discussion. Don’t do drugs kids
In what accent is “dub-ya” one syllable?
Some parts of texas
Anything more than “dub” will be 2+ syllables.
The b is silent and the vowels ran together
So “duh”?
I’ve heard some folks where it comes out more akin to “dubby”
Dub-by is still 2 syllables
At work we often say “dub dub dub”.
GSW isn’t an acronym as far as I’m concerned. It’s an initialism. But it sure is stupid, I will say. Much faster to say it the “long” way.
I think you mean GSW IAAAFAICIAI
Given how many times people make this same initialism point, it’s time we made an acronym for it.
That’s an unfortunate, incorrect phrasing. 😅
It’s a very deliberate phrasing, since not everyone agrees that initialisms are not acronyms.
Personally I think that “ackhually that’s an initialism not an acronym 🤓” is exactly the kind of ultimately irrelevant distinction that internet know-it-alls love to know and point out. I know because I used to be like that too when I was younger.
But often those distinctions are not universally acknowledged or useful in all contexts. Like how strawberries are not scientifically berries, but we still often group them as berries.
Nitpicking word definitions is pointless when the distinction being pointed out is not relevant for the conversation.
I’m not saying I’m the tone of “aaackshually”.
I personally love to learn these types of things, so in case someone learns something they’d like to learn, I’m here for it. If people get butthurt or annoyed about it because “I’ve been using it wrong and that makes it right…” 🤷♂️ I dunno.
Where in the world do you live that you need five syllables to ‘GSW’?
Any English speaking country? “Gee-ess-dou-ble-u”. 5 syllables.
Yeah, you’re right, I’m wrong.
Not the south! Gee-ess-dub-ya ftw.
Hate to burst, but I believe “dub-y-ah” would still be 3. Even though it’s fast enough that it’s barely perceptible.
Nah, dubyah is two syllables dub-yah. Unless you somehow make yeah into a two syllable word.
There’s a context here though, namely that it is preceded by a “bh”. But I’ll concede.
That’s most assuredly not another syllable. Dub, as in I dub thee. Ya, as in ya, I know. There’s a glide across a very sliiiiiight E sound, but it’s also present when you just say “ya”, it’s more “e-ya”. So either “ya” is two syllables, or dub-ya is two.
I’m inclined to go either way on this one. It’s very slight.
Say W really slowly out loud and count the syllables. Where do you live that W isn’t three syllables?
I was counting double as one syllable. It’s still early on Sunday morning for me here.
In a lot of the US, w is pronounced as two syllables in conversational speech: dub-yuh
That doesn’t excuse my stupidity because I’d guess that the places that say dub-yuh also say eh-yuss for ‘s’.
A lot of them do, yes.
Netherlands. It’s pronounced “way” here
So youse say way way way dot com?
Dot in dutch is punt
Way way way Punt!
Putting this on a T-shirt
Well, yeah way way way google punt com
Gee Ess Dub-ya
This gave me cancer
I’ve heard WWW pronounced: dub-dub-dub
In English it’s G-S-Dou-ble-U