So my lease for my apartment is up toward the end of this year, and now that I can work remote, I’m thinking of moving somewhere less expensive and finally buying a home. Can anyone with experience give me advice on the process or resources I can use? Not only am I a total noob, but I don’t talk to my family and my friends aren’t homeowners either, so I’m not sure where to start. Googling presents me with so much info that I’m a bit overwhelmed.

  • flatbield
    2 years ago

    Lot of other good advice. I will just add a few things. Buy only what you need. Houses you plan to live in are cost centers not investments. Get your financing in line first. Lot of people loose houses because their financing is not ready. It helps to get to know the area youself and go to a few open houses and drive and walk around to decide what you want in a general sense.

    We actually were formally looking with a realtor 3 days when we put the offer down. That worked because we did our leg work up front and had our financing in place. In fact I found the house during one of my walks before it actually posted.