It’s here: the last big update before we apply to the App Store! We’ve got some exciting new features and a bunch of awesome fixes for you:


  • Back by popular demand: the old compact mode! We’ve given it a little bit of a touch-up in the process. The previous not-very-compact compact mode is now called “headline,” and large is still, well, large.
  • New search UX: We gave community search a whole tab of its own, featuring recent search history (clearable, of course) and a much smoother UI. Keep an eye on that tab–we’ve got big plans for it down the road.
  • Reporting Content. We added ability to report posts and comments via context or the ellipsis menu. These reports will be sent to community moderators.


  • Optimized image loading to improve scroll performance significantly
  • Fixed spelling mistake (thanks J0hnny007)
  • Fixed bug where link posts made it hard or impossible to enter the comments
  • Fixed bug where NSFW tags were sometimes missing
  • Fixed bug where new posts required a link and body text
  • Fixed issue where comment times could show up with incorrect times


  • Cross-instance subscriptions are currently not displaying. This is a server-side problem, nothing we can do about it :(
  • Link posts are a little choppy in the feed–we’re working on smoothing that out

Keep in mind that this is beta software (though not for much longer)–there may be bugs, and we want to hear about them!

Thanks again for using Mlem! We hope you love it as much as we do.


The Mlem Team

  • EricOPM
    32 years ago

    Not unless somebody wants to remake it. It’s built using SwiftUI from the ground up, which isn’t really portable. It is open source, though, so anybody is welcome to port it themselves :P

      • EricOPM
        32 years ago

        Our founder was working on it for about a year before Lemmy took off and the rest of the team joined. Judging by his git history he didn’t work on it super frequently, so maybe ~2 months? It’s been about a month since then, so with 6ish devs on the team that’s another 6 dev-months for a total of 8 dev-months