Most of all, I was sick of the captcha from cloudflare.
On some sites, there was endless checking and it was impossible to view the content of the site.
Yeah, too many sites I’ve done 3+ captchas and still won’t let me in, and not even the ones where 1 cell has either a shadow or a sliver of a bike tire. And reports that bots are now better at passing these than people. I won’t use a site with a pick-the-squares captcha anymore.
Click a slider is the most I’ll do. If anyone needs me I’ll be over here hanging out with the bots that are too shitty to pass a captcha.
Most of all, I was sick of the captcha from cloudflare.
On some sites, there was endless checking and it was impossible to view the content of the site.
They think u a bot
Yeah, too many sites I’ve done 3+ captchas and still won’t let me in, and not even the ones where 1 cell has either a shadow or a sliver of a bike tire. And reports that bots are now better at passing these than people. I won’t use a site with a pick-the-squares captcha anymore.
Click a slider is the most I’ll do. If anyone needs me I’ll be over here hanging out with the bots that are too shitty to pass a captcha.
I had to disable user agents or else I could simply not look at any website “protected” by cloudflare