I’ll start:

  • Tmux
  • vim
  • ghidra
  • okteta (hex editor)
  • speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
  • python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools
  • @GustavoM@lemmy.world
    72 years ago
    • docker (What, you never wanted to use a optimized version of cmatrix that uses only 512KiB of ram while barely scratching your CPU?)
    • foot
    • brave
    • (on docker) btop, cmatrix, lynx
      • @GustavoM@lemmy.world
        12 years ago

        Basically, a “handcrafted” cmatrix with compilation flags focused on optimization and the musl library (which is “technically better” than glib, a standard library on most distros).

        Do feel free to try it out however, its only 139KiB – click here.

        tl;dr guide on how to get it running

        1- Install docker (docker on most distros – docker.io on ubuntu and friends)

        2- sudo usermod -aG docker (addyourusernamehere)

        3- reboot

        4- run it with “docker run -it --rm --log-driver none --net none --read-only defnotgustavom/cmatrix:marchedition”