Years ago I worked at an electronics store and have seen some very interesting products over the years with some being very useful.

Not sure how to do a poll on here but wanted to see how people matched on the ownership of some of these useful devices .

Have you ever owned a My (answers)

-PDA? Yes, I had a Palm IIIe

-DVD-Recorder? Yes. Successor to VCR sure didn’t last long… 😖

-WebTV? No. Interactive TV in the days of dial-up. 🙂

-3D Television? No

-Raspberry PI? No but I want to.

-Internet Radio Player? No This would be fun especially if it also had am/FM tuner

    62 years ago

    Of this list, I only had PDAs. I had a couple of versions of the Palm Pilot. I remember learning the script using the stylus.

    I’m getting closer and closer to my 60th birthday, and still remember my delight at using a mouse on a Mac with one 3.5 inch drive. Inserting and removing program vs storage discs was tedious, but just loving the intuitive interface and how quickly I was able to make the mouse an extension of my hand. So much easier than learning function keys and keyboard shortcuts. And then combining mouse clicks, functions, and keyboard shortcuts to be so much more productive than ever before.

    We still have an original iPod that my husband uses in our basement, and I believe we still have a working Atari game console.