I’ve been on reddit for a long, long time and i’ve seen all the changes that have happened in the past decade. I spent a lot of time on Reddit, and have seen the slow infestation of bots, karma whores, and guerilla marketing disguised as posts.
I’m genuinely excited for the fediverse - it seems like an actual improvement over reddit, and not just a clone. There’s a learning curve, but there was one when joining reddit too.
I participated in the migration to Voat, and saw how/why it failed. I’m more optimistic about the fediverse for various reasons, and I’m dedicating my time to helping this thrive.
I was a lurker on Voat, but I’m trying to be active here. I don’t like modding, but I’ve even created my own community here, which is saying a lot given how lazy I am. Hope to interact with y’all more!
And if you’re still reading this, i hope you don’t mind a shoutout to my new community, maliciouscompliance - recreated this as it was one of my favorite places to lurk on reddit!
EDIT: since a few people asked - I posted in this comment below why I think lemmy has a much better chance than voat did
I find Lemmy generally more welcoming to post comments. Its likely because of the lack of bots and trolls. Let’s hope they stay clear from here.
Going back to Reddit to read about the blackouts was jarring after spending the past few days on here. I didn’t realize just how negative, toxic, and mentally draining Reddit was until I stopped using it.
It really is like night and day. I quit reddit on Sunday when I noticed my feed was already looking empty. I’ve been here ever since and last night for the first time in a while I went to bed feeling happy with life. It’s amazing how I never noticed the toxicity that was seeping into my day.
I’m noticing the same, but at this point I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or something real. Lemmy definitely feels like a breath of fresh air though.
certain right wing elements havent sunk their claws in yet. I hope it stays that way.
They can make their own instance and stay within their echo chamber.
Theres a way to link “instance agnostic” but im unsure
i’m sure it’ll come, but we’ll deal with it then!
Yeah exactly. Being a a not-for-profit open-source project, I’d expect features to eventually be put into place to help moderate this kind of stuff in the future.
Mod bots exist on reddit already, I’m sure they can be ported over when needed
I’ve definitely also noticed the difference, I’d pretty much stopped commenting at all on reddit. But if feels different here, we’ll, not so much different but reminds me of those older Internet message board days.
The difference is also on Reddit, it felt like your comment would never be seen, because there were so many. It’s not the same here. Which makes commenting actually feel worthwhile.
People are much friendlier here as well so far
That’s partially what led to all the low effort posts.
Why bother making a thoughtful reply and get no response, when you can quickly post 20 puns and get 50 upvotes on at least 1 of them?
Yes! Same feeling for me.
It reminds me of the early days of Reddit like 2006-2009.
Never experienced that. I joined more or less just before the AMA drama, and Pao. I really do Hope Lemmy takes hold. After all, ask threads get better the more varied the people participating
there also seems to be options to disable seeing bot activity - not sure if lemmy looks different with those enabled, as I am of the same mindset
I’ve yet to see a bot. So I’m keeping them on for now