I know we usually don’t talk video games here, but I thought discussing relaxing games might still be nice

  • livus
    91 year ago

    My partner goes around collecting books and fungi instead, does that count?

    • bananaghost
      41 year ago

      Of course, anything is fine, except… God forgive me… doing the main quest.

      • livus
        51 year ago

        I agree. To this day I have never yet joined Stormcloaks or Imperials.

        I also stopped meeting up with that lady Delphine after it was pointed out to me that it increases the frequency of dragon attacks.

        • bananaghost
          51 year ago

          Yeah, me neither. I’m always like… you two can have your stupid war, but if anyone tries to mess with me and my 163 pieces of cheese, you’re screwed.

          • livus
            11 year ago

            How do you manage to amass that much cheese? #goals, I always eat mine. Bet yours is nicely aged.

            I do have a drawer full of jewels because I tell myself one day I will take up jewellery making. That will get my life on track.

            • bananaghost
              11 year ago

              I haven’t played it in a while but, it was aged for sure but I carried it with me in every cave and bandit camp… so I’m not sure about nicely part.
              After a while, I would sometimes set random goals for myself like just regenerate life by resting in a bed, so I would end up with a lot of food.

              Ah yes, making jewelry was a good source of income during a game. At one point I had so much gold and rings that I didn’t know what to do with them so I started putting them in random people’s pockets.