Saw a game on Google Play that had great reviews (4.6k AVG with 77k reviews) so downloaded it thinking I finally might have found a good mobile game only to find it was trash like almost every mobile game I’ve ever tried.

Is it me, am I the problem, or are virtually all mobile games terrible?


Thanks for everyone’s feedback and suggestions, I’ve been trying out some of your recommendations as well as trying out Steam Link to play my steam PC games

    162 years ago

    My hard and fast rule is, “Don’t play freemium games.” The second I see stars, coins, tickets, tokens, I’m out. I exclusively play what are mostly ports from console. Trials of Mana, The Alliance Alive HD Remastered, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Danganronpa, Spiritfarer, Oxenfree, Stardew Valley, Minecraft etc. I also have Apple Arcade from my Verizon package, and I play the Netflix games. Avoid freemium / gacha / IAP-riddled games, and some of the ports are at least decent.

    • naticus
      42 years ago

      Absolutely agree on the freemium bullshit. Haven’t seen a single one that was worth playing.

      I’ll also add on a handful of suggestions if anyone enjoys puzzle games: The Room series (4 games in the series), and The House of Da Vinci (3 games in the series, heavily inspired by The Room).

      12 years ago

      Personally don’t mind freemium games, I don’t care about wait times and shit, just play the game at my own pace.

      What I do hate is FOMO, I’m an all-or-nothin’ kinda gamer. If i feel pressured to play because I might miss an exclusive item, I’m out.