Hi. I recently discovered gunblades for me and I’m wondering which can perform better in certain situations. And also want to know about builds. Hybrid and heavy attack focused. Which performs better etc

  • @Zeglius
    22 years ago
    • Redeemer (prime): best when there is some multishot dmg calculation sheaningans (ex.: Lephantis).

    • Stropha: for big groups of enemies given its wide projectile hitbox.

    • Sarpa: shattering impact allows to remove all the armor in very few shots.

    • @QuekraOP
      22 years ago

      Thanks. But wouldn’t vastilok be better for shattering impact? It fires 9 bullets, when sarpa only 5. Also what about stances. I heard that high noon is better for hybrid builds. Is that right?

      • @TheZemor
        12 years ago

        Yes vastilok is better