Thank fuck. Now kill Chat Control.

  • interolivary
    132 years ago

    Member of the European Parliament.

    The European Parliament is an important forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level. The Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by voters in all Member States to represent people’s interests with regard to EU law-making and to make sure other EU institutions are working democratically.


    Just don’t ask me what other branches and divisions the EU government has 😅 I’m hilariously badly informed on how the system actually works, forgot all my civics lessons from 20+ years ago

      • interolivary
        62 years ago

        You’re welcome. And hey, I’m the one who should be feeling uncultured: I seriously can’t remember how the EU works beyond some very rudimentary basics (there’s a Parliament and a Commission, and they do, uh… stuff) and I’m Finnish. We’ve been in the EU for almost 30 years and I supposedly learned this shit in middle school when we joined

          • PumpedSardines
            32 years ago

            Biggest problem with the union, easy to criticize it because no one knows how to counter the criticism. And usually the people who criticize it don’t understand the union either