Um bólide, ou meteoro de grandes dimensões, foi visto a cruzar os céus portugueses e espanhóis no final da noite deste sábado. Uma ocorrência registada no site da Proteção Civil dá nota de uma "queda de meteorito" em Castro Daire.
Whoa that’s so cool to be able to capture it on a dashcam. I specifically bought a dashcam for my car so I could capture a meteorite on video after the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor. No meteorite capture yet though.
The insurance benefit was just a plus compared to my real motivation lol.
Whoa that’s so cool to be able to capture it on a dashcam. I specifically bought a dashcam for my car so I could capture a meteorite on video after the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor. No meteorite capture yet though.
The insurance benefit was just a plus compared to my real motivation lol.