In a surprising and troubling decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has ruled against Adam Knauff, a firefighter who made global headlines for filing a legal case after he faced discrimination for being vegan. The case raised a novel issue—whether a vegan belief system counts as a “creed”, a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Mr. Knauff plans to appeal the decision by seeking judicial review in the Divisional Court of Ontario.

    189 months ago

    What is it with firefighters and meat? When I was a member of a small voluntary firefighters brigade, they were really fixated on having meat in the food we got. Needless to say that there were almost no women serving.

          • @Halasham
            9 months ago

            If it wasn’t for the genocide of the Native Americans I likely wouldn’t either, or at very least be a different person. That doesn’t change one’s subjective experience or the objective facts of either things.

            19 months ago

            An appeal that what our ancestors were doing is all fine doesn’t strike me as an intellectual flex. What’s the opposite of a flex, a sprain?

      69 months ago

      It is kinda weird that the people most likely to know what burning human flesh smells like are in any way still interested in meat.

        99 months ago

        When I was in medical school, I had my lab scheduled before lunch time. Which meant that I went straight from dissecting people, to eating. I’d get a big salad, and asked the cafeteria workers to heat up the slices of chicken breast I’d get on the salad. They didn’t like that I asked for it heated up, because it was extra work for them. But after they told me they wouldn’t do it anymore, I said “man, I was just dissecting a person, and this chicken is just way too similar looking to human for me to eat cold, ya feel me?” They ended up heating my chicken.