In a surprising and troubling decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has ruled against Adam Knauff, a firefighter who made global headlines for filing a legal case after he faced discrimination for being vegan. The case raised a novel issue—whether a vegan belief system counts as a “creed”, a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Mr. Knauff plans to appeal the decision by seeking judicial review in the Divisional Court of Ontario.

      173 months ago

      Creed doesn’t necessarily equal a religion. A creed is a set of sincerely held beliefs one uses to guide their actions, it just typically takes the form of a religious creed, but non religious people can have their own creed. Believing that factory meat is horrible and therefore you’re vegan or vegetarian is a creed in my book. It’s a sincerely held belief (factory farms are horrible) that guides decisions (don’t eat meat)