The better engineer, turret frame, erectin’ a dispenser - Protea!

Release date: 2020-06-11

Passive: Every 4th ability casted by Protea gains an additive 100% Ability Strength bonus.
Grenade Fan - Throw out 3 grenades in an arc. (TAP) Creates a slashing, staggering swirl of shrapnel. (HOLD) Protea reconfigures 3 Grenades to work as overcharging shield generators, protecting her, her allies and companions. When Shields break a Satellite is destroyed to extend the period of invulnerability.
Blaze Artillery - Deploys an artillery unit to blast plasma charges at enemies it faces. Each enemy hit increases the power of subsequent plasma attacks.
Dispensary - Deploys a device that generates 3 pickups after a short delay: empowered health orb, universal ammo pack and energy orb.
Temporal Anchor - Drops a Temporal Anchor which, after a short duration, Protea rewinds to triggering a temporal implosion. Implosion damage increases based on damage dealt between anchor drop and rewind. Everything lost or expended in that time is returned. Dying while Anchor is active rewinds Protea to the anchor, saving her. Protea is knocked down and the anchor vanishes.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is rewarded upon completion of The Deadlock Protocol quest. Component blueprints can be acquired from within the Granum Void.

  • Convict45
    26 months ago

    I enjoy keeping Temporal Anchor as a “here’s 20 seconds to spam EVERYTHING” ability. It’s really a combined ammo/energy 100% efficiency power, with a free revive thrown in.

    And I haven’t tried the augment yet, but I bet it’s super strong.

    Not trying to be mean, but I am trying to be counter to the typical thinking: At least with newer frames, DE is clearly working to make every power important to the frame. Calling Anchor a loss of a power slot is avoiding thinking deeply about how it can work for Protea.