A basic ass ‘would you rather’ community for the important questions in life, like would you rather not he able to eat potatoes or chicken for the rest of your life?


  • @HipsterTenZero
    138 months ago

    I’ll drop Chicken, being fully aware that eggs are now also banished from my diet. Maybe I can import powdered turkey eggs or something, but I just can’t give up 'taters. Hashbrowns, potato chips, loaded baked potatoes… they’re all just too important to me.

    • Jay
      68 months ago

      Potatoes work with nearly everything. I get 50 pound boxes of Potatoes locally for $25 and it’s rare a box lasts more than a month in my house, from hashbrowns to fries, baked, and even soups. Nothing can really replace them as far as I’m concerned.

    • @Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
      68 months ago

      Well I’M cancelling potatos. Chicken is literally EVERY meal for me at this point.

      So my vote cancels your vote, and now we’re at net neutral.

      • @HipsterTenZero
        48 months ago

        Sure, but I’m not exactly starving for protein over here. I only ever really make anything with poultry once every two weeks maybe? And that’s just with some stir fry - plenty of substitutes I could use there. It’s those chicken eggs I’d really be missing.