Proton isn’t reinventing the wheel with this crypto wallet. But it’s another solid option for people looking to create a crypto wallet for the first time. However, cryptocurrencies tend to be a polarizing topic, so let’s see if Proton Wallet doesn’t hurt Proton’s brand image in the future.

  • More information: Proton Blog Article
    536 months ago

    Seems like Proton is branching out into a lot of new areas lately. Possibly too many? I’d prefer it if they’d work on improving their current offerings first…

      176 months ago

      I don’t think doing this means they aren’t working on their other offerings. Both Drive and Pass have recieved very highly requested features in the past couple weeks.

        146 months ago

        The problem is that all of these new products take a LOT of time, money, and dev resources. Those are all a limited supply. There are super duper basic Calendar features that they could be working on instead.

    • KaynA
      16 months ago

      So why does Proton work on multiple products at the same time? Simply because:

      1. throwing more bodies at existing efforts has a point of diminishing returns and then a point when it even becomes counterproductive
      2. given the lengthy minimum time it takes to perfect services, starting earlier lets us deliver more to the community over the long term

      That’s why we bring new services to market earlier than some of you would like, but I can also say that it’s never done if we believe it would compromise an existing effort.