Finally, on 27th July, Blow noted the “whole industry is having a hard time” and then, when asked how many of his development team are working on the compiler for programming language Jai, Blow replied: “None, because we can’t afford to pay anyone because the sales are bad.”

Oof. I don’t like Jon Blow, but I do like Braid. Sad to see nobody really cares about it anymore.

  • kingthrillgore
    7 months ago

    First off I didnt know Braid was remastered until now and secondly Jonathan is an anti vaxxer which means I’m not gonna give you any money.

    And I thought Braid wasn’t very engaging when I first played it ages ago so I’m not really interested now. Apparently Jonathan has been spending his free time working on a programming language that isn’t public yet (for a while now) and just talking a lot of shit on X/Twitter.