Nothing too interesting as these are all older kuva weapons. They might be helpful for anyone that wants a weapon for valence fusion, or just wants the mastery fodder.
Not entirely sure what the current state of cross platform trading is like, I’m playing on PC. Not sure how likely it will be that I’m on at the same time, but you can also try messaging me in game IGN: IDystopiaI
. Double check any trades to make sure you’re getting the correct Kuva Weapon, I don’t want to accidently make someone go through hunting a lich for a weapon they never wanted.
- 55% Toxin Seer
- 20% Radiation Shildeg
- 30% Radiation Ayanga
- 25% Radiation Ogris
- 30% Heat Kohm
- 36% Radiation Shildeg
- 27% Radiation Quartakk
- 31% Radiation Shildeg
- 25% Radiation Quartakk
- 28% Radiation Drakgoon
- 37% Electric Kohm
- 28% Electric Drakgoon
- 26% Electric Kohm
- 26% Electric Seer
- 33% Heat Shildeg
- 25% Heat Seer
- 25% Heat Brakk
- 31% Heat Twin Stubba
- 29% Heat Brakk
- 30% Heat Drakgoon
- 35% Magnetic Ayanga
- 25% Magnetic Drakgoon
- 25% Magnetic Ayanga
- 27% Heat Quartakk
- 32% Magnetic Seer
- 35% Magnetic Ogris
- 27% Magnetic Chakkurr
- 25% Cold Brakk Ephemera
- Untradable
- 41% Toxin Quartakk
- 25% Heat Kohm Ephemera
- 40% Heat Kohm Ephemera
I don’t have any ephemera or most of these weapons. I haven’t played in so long I wouldn’t be sure where or how to start
MCGamerCZ has a fairly good overview for lich missions if you want a refresher on how kuva lich missions work. They’re more of a mid/late game type of mission. If you can do early steel path missions/have incarnon weapons, then hunting a lich shouldn’t be too difficult for you. I would avoid Toxin/Radiation liches until you know what you’re doing because they can enable friendly fire which is usually ends up with your team nuking themselves/the objective. The other variants shouldn’t cause you any trouble though.
Some people will avoid stabbing their lich until they have all the requiem mods unlocked to keep it as low level as possible. If a lich is downed 3 times without being stabbed it will flee. Another thing you can do is just use a warframe which can go invisible and just melee it until it dies.