Just making sure you’re aware that this frame exists, because this is the second round of new augment mods in a row where newer frames have gotten augments before him.

I know no one plays Caliban, and their entire kit was essentially superceded by Styanax’s, and their casts are slow and clunky, but we’ve gotten bandaid mods for newer frames before them.

For a frame that came out with the New War, it’s funny how much they’re forgotten about

  • @sandriver@beehaw.org
    12 years ago

    It took like two years for Sevagoth to get an absolutely insane augment, and to be fair he really needed a way to amp his mediocre KPM. I know space man will have his day eventually.

    Thing about Cali though is I don’t think he needs the help as much, he already has one of the strongest damage buff kits in the game due to being able to lay multiple shield/armour strips on top of a second-line DV buff. In addition, he has the potential for really good survivability with assistance from a shield gen source, be it Condemn, Pillage, or Styanax.

    I think Cali just runs into the community’s general disdain for CC/buff frames. I think Octavia is the only member of the archetype that actually has a good reputation and sees relatively high usage. Thing is though, we have Circuit Defense. He and his design relatives are more relevant than ever.