• cabbage
    4 days ago

    I’m this formulation it sounds like he’s talking about government mandated abortion - it’s like it’s happening against the will of the owner of the womb.

    Clearly that’s not what he’s talking about, but in a narrow charitable interpretation, he would be correct that the government has no fucking business controlling whatever is going on inside women’s wombs.

      • cabbage
        4 days ago

        Yeah, it’s not what he’s saying. But the formulation - sending a child away from the womb of it’s mother" - is fundamentally fucked up because it completely removes the mother from the equation. It doesn’t even bother to explicitly deprive her of the control over her body - it simply doesn’t recognise her existence at all.

        I think, more than anything, that’s why this line of talking is fucked up. It kind of assumes totalitarianism where no matter what, it’s at least not the choice of the individual women/owners of the wombs.

        What moderate Catholics will use as a defence is, I guess, the use of the word “child”. No reasonable person would consider a lump of 30 cells a “child”. But we all know the pope thinks it’s a child as soon as the sperm hits the egg, so fuck that as well.