In my humble opinion, the Technology community should only contain text news/articles or even news pictures.

I simply think that tech videos does not belong to this community, as there is already a videos community which would be more suitable for this.

What does the mods think about this?

    43 days ago

    A compromise would be to require a text summary of any video post.

    That “compromise” would put a lot of work onto the person submitting a video, just because some people don’t like videos.

          93 days ago

          That’s fine, if the poster really doesn’t want to include it in the original post for some reason.

          If you’re asking me to do it, I absolutely do when I post videos. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect others to do the same.

            3 days ago

            I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect others to do the same.

            Yes, it is. For a deep dive video a summary is easily several paragraphs long. Not only takes it time to write the summary, for a deep dive it would include making notes during the video, pausing several times, etc. In such a case of a deep dive, this can be an hour of work. So if you want summaries, you do the work. Don’t demand that from others and claim this is somehow a compromise.

              63 days ago

              You said it, a summary of a deep dive video is a few paragraphs

              Don’t fucking post a two hour video that contains a few paragraphs of info then

                33 days ago

                Exactly. And with AI tools, getting a transcript and generating a summary shouldn’t be all that hard.

                All I’m looking for is a handful of bullet points that give me a reason to watch the video. I’m not watching a random video someone posts just based on the headline, I need a bit more reason to invest my time to contribute to the discussion. And if you provide a basic summary, I’ll probably do the legwork and find some articles to add to the discussion while I’m watching the video.

                  13 days ago

                  Exactly. And with AI tools, getting a transcript and generating a summary shouldn’t be all that hard.

                  Write a summary bot then.

                  I’m not watching a random video someone posts just based on the headline

                  Then don’t.

                  I need a bit more reason to invest my time to contribute to the discussion.

                  You’re not that important. If you don’t contribute to a discussion just because the submission is a video, nobody will notice.

                    13 days ago

                    I’m not specifically talking about myself, I’m explaining the sentiment I see here. Me personally not contributing to those posts probably won’t impact anything, and that’s fine. But there’s a lot of pushback from people who prefer text.

                    All I’m saying is to put in a little effort to link a relevant text article or add a few bullet points that the video covers. That’s it. The barrier to posting stuff should be a little higher than just sending links to things that seem somewhat interesting.

                13 days ago

                Don’t fucking post a two hour video that contains a few paragraphs of info then

                You clearly don’t know what a summary is. I can summarize Lord of the Rings in three sentences. The details are still important.

                If you don’t want to watch such a video, DON’T WATCH IT! Don’t forbid others to like what they like!

    • @Darkenfolk
      113 days ago

      A post with nothing in it except a video link is not a post to begin with.

      Posts should actually have some content in my opinion, otherwise it’s just link dumping which is practically spam.

      If I can’t determine from the initial post if a article/video is of interest it shouldn’t have been posted to begin with.

        • @Darkenfolk
          63 days ago

          Ah yes the fabled “link aggregator”.

          Lemmy might technically also be that, but it’s first and foremost a discussion platform, although it has an ongoing problem with rampant bot-posts and link-dumpers.