Personally, I don’t* but I was curious what others think.

*some sandwiches excluded like a Cubano or chicken parm; those do require cooking.

  • FuglyDuck
    3 hours ago

    Cooking is simply the preparing of food.

    It doesn’t necessarily require the application of heat.

    If some one is being proud of a sandwich- let them be proud. We all start somewhere.

    edit: to all the people downvoting me:

    1. the act of a person or thing that cooks.
    2. the art or practice of preparing food; cookery.

    1A) the act of preparing food for eating, especially by heating 1B) a manner of preparing food

    To say that “cooking” requires heat is inaccurate. It’s the usual qualification, but is not necessary in a general sense.

    and more to the point: If some one is proud of their sandwich, why would you take that from them? dick move. Even Gordon Fucking Ramsey had to start somewhere.