Windows 11 v24H2 and beyond will have Recall installed on every system. Attempting to remove Recall will now break some file explorer features such as tabs.

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    81 month ago

    I personally recommend Linux Mint. It feels just close enough to Windows to be fairly comfortable to use. Customizing the task bar on Cinnamon still feels weirdly awkward and confusing though.

      21 month ago

      I don’t use it, but I recommend it to every newcomer and I’ve had great feedback that it’s easy to get started with. There’s a lot of help available online, and almost anything Debian or Ubuntu-related should apply, most of the time.

      Once you get a feel for Linux Mint, you can decide where to go from there. But the most important part is to get a usable system first, and Mint makes that really easy, without some of the drawbacks of Ubuntu.

      I recommend the Debian edition, but honestly, any of their spins are fine, pick one that looks cool and have at it.