So, I’ve managed to find an OK location for a base, not sure if I’ll actually build it out yet, and rebuilt my freighter base but in the process I’ve put down a BeatByte Device, found it had … something on it from the last time I was playing and realized I still don’t know anything about music.

It’d be nice to have something playing in my freighter rather than just the ambient sounds from some of the things I’ve put in it but I remember how well trying to do it by stabbing about in the dark went last time. I’d rather not. So, anyone else not musically inclined? What do you do with the Beatbyte?

  • TurtlePower
    12 days ago

    I wish I had a better answer for you, but I suck at making music on ByteBeats, even though they do work similarly to a very basic DAW. You may be able to find posts or videos where people show the inputs so you can just copy them. Sadly the tracks you buy from the quicksilver vendor can only be played while you’re flying in your ship, and I think maybe in your Exocraft, too, but I never mess with those because I love the game music/sounds.