Wondering if there are any good games out there which play like the original Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon games. Games where tactics are completely necessary to survive, and one shot will kill you.

Only looking for single player experiences.

  • Biberkopf
    52 years ago

    Ready or Not and Ground Branch are the obvious choices.

    The Stalker: Anomaly mod pack is also quite hard, less so because of tactics and more so because of bullshit. But its free.

    Wildcard: Ghost Recon: Wildlands. On default difficulty its a stupid popcorn shooter, but if you crank all the difficulty settings up (they call it „advanced mode“ IIRC) it becomes really fun. Most people like to shit on the typical Ubisoft formula in Breakpoint and Wildlands, but I enjoyed my time with both.

    If you are not married to 1st person, Zero Sievert and Doorkickers are worth a look too.

    And maybe also something like ARMA3?

    • vxnxnt
      22 years ago

      I second Ground Branch. It’s just too bad that their updates always take so long to come out. At least they’re overly transparent about everything they do.