The title pretty much speaks for itself… I have a linux install that I’ve spent a considerable time configuring, which is unfortunately installed on a drive that’s starting to show signs of dying.

My question is: how, if there is a way, can I migrate said linux install over to a different drive, while preserving all the configurations and such.

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who commented! I made the transfer, using dd and it went mostly smoothly, even if it did take a while.

  • Possibly linux
    24 months ago

    That’s a bad sign. First off stop using it so that you don’t make it worse. Next take a backup. I think dd automatically skips over bad blocks but I don’t remember. Also, I would not go straight to another drive but instead go to a file.

    I don’t mean to freak you out but there is a chance you are going to lose data.

    • Presi300OP
      14 months ago

      I already have all data I care about backed up, so even if I lose some, it’s not a big deal