I currently use Mint, as do several family members and friends. Its been nothing short of impeccable. I was occasionally tweaking things until now sometimes the game crashes, PC freezes requiring hard reset. Everything used to work pretty flawless out the box. Should I reinstall my mint or look at PopOS, Bazzite, Nobara, Etc? I’m at the point in my life. Where we all need something to just turn on and play. I want some shit that just works. Or reinstall mint but how without losing all my files and settings? and keep it moving as usual as it used to be flawless. Tweaking is fun until you tweaked so much shit breaks lol. I’m over tweaking. Just wanna game. I keep seeing immutable is good so that’s why I ask. Thanks!!

5600x 6700xt Its an all AMD build over here :)

Edit: You guys convinced me I’m booting it up now with KDE! I also plan to try PopOs. I’m excited. Thanks everyone!

  • @warmaster@lemmy.world
    202 days ago

    Bro, I distro hopped between 10 different distros. Bazzite is the best, hands down. If you game and do non-dev work on it, it’s the best thing ever. It just gets out of the way. It’s very hard to brick your install. It freaking rocks.

    I’ve been on Bazzite for half a year, and I’m moving my secondary PC to Bazzite tomorrow.