Whatcha been playing! I’ve been back into Isaac a bunch. Grinding out dead god.

Also bought psychonauts 1 and 2 in the steam sale and plan on starting that soon

  • borari
    3 months ago

    We’re reaching the end of the current season of THE FINALS, so I’ve been grinding for the last seasonal reward skin tier.

    I’ve been kind of down on myself for getting sucked in to the seasonal cycle of modern FPS games and letting my single player stuff lay neglected, but the finals is such a phenomenal shooter I can’t help myself. I alternate between wanting more people to play and experience it because of how good it is, to being happy it’s small and not inundated with people. While the community can be a bit toxic, I get matched with a lot more just generally chill people than not, and more people on mic communicating about the game than I can remember in a really long time.

    I need to get around to finishing bg3, and cp2077 now that I have a new gpu.

    I got psychonauts on a steam sale a few years ago and still need to get around to it also, thanks for the reminder.