And weapons like it.

I have a Kuva Zarr and a hard time getting ahold of new equipment at my MR. So, I’ve got more Forma than sense and figured I could squeeze a little more MR from it with some Forma. The problem is that it’s a pain in the ass to use.

10 rounds total and the worst pump-action style reload in the game IMO. I know it used to be good then got beaten down with the nerf bat but it’s still suppose to be usable, right?

So far I’ve got Semi-Rifle Cannonade on it for a lot of up-front damage and Gal. Chamber & Scope for the extra firepower and like that it can kill pretty decently but I can’t keep the thing supplied with ammo. I’ve tried Ammo Mutation and the set mod that does the same thing… hell I’ve got both on it atm and it’s not helping much.

  • @sandriver
    13 months ago

    If you buff the damage enough, it should break even with ammo mutation. I’ve used it with Banshee, and it’s monstrous on Funnel Clouds Zephyr, especially if you build it for raw Blast and Elementalist. Any frame with Xata’s Whisper also turns the Blastementalist build into a nuke, and actually this is a generic strategy for any weapon, even single target weapons and even middle of the road ones like the Kuva Karak. The “bitey avenger” Arcane Avenger/Biting Frost Frost build is also a great generalist weapon buffer.

    One more thing that helps with ammo economy is to bring a melee you like and run Primary Dexterity. Tenet Grigori and Tenet Livia both have combo storage, and Grigori has a projectile on the slide heavy and second standing heavy. If you have them, the incarnons Furax, Okina and Ack & Brunt all have combo storage too. Xoris needs frame support to really work, but it can do some numbers with Influence builds, and also has combo storage.

    Breaking away from combo storage, Pathocyst is also a more attractive option now that we have very high initial combo through Galvanized Reflex, and it has respectable status chance with Weeping Wounds + Galvanized Elementalist which was its only real weakness before.