Found this one and its secondary counterpart… haven’t found something I want to use it on yet but it seems like it might be worth it. But being an odd mod I figured I’d post here, I’d like to hear what other Tenno think of it.

  • @HalashamOP
    23 months ago

    That’s horrifying amazing. I assumed it would be additive with Serration and the like… this changes everything. I’m going to figure out some builds for this… this might just put a few of my non-SP guns into SP.

    • @sandriver
      23 months ago

      According to comments on the wiki page it might actually be a Deadhead type modifier, so specifically heads. Simple test would be on a MOA in the Simulacrum, see if the head gets a damage multiplier. Although, idk, it was giving me enhanced crits by shooting the tentacles on Techrot Babaus.

      • Dystopia
        3 months ago

        It does give the enhanced crits vs moa’s fanny pack and their head too which is a little weird since that isn’t considered a weak point for them. Testing with the Bramma, it seems to work on air burst explosions, a little disappointed that I can’t use it with shotguns. It does work on the Zarr, if for some reason you want to run around with barrage mode.

        Seems like a pretty good option if you’re fighting status immune/resistant enemies, but I’m not too sure how it plays with damage attenuation, normally multi shot tends to be more effective than one large damage instance ignoring the first hit.

        Also not sure how it behaves with the multi shot incarnon perks since that isn’t “modded” multi shot.