I cannot, for the life of me, find one. I am Hot & Fresh (😎)(not really, tho’…), I’m playing Hell-Scrub missions because it’s just very fun to cause pure mayhem on familiar streets, and every single time I finish the mission with a pang of frustration that I wasted a lot of time unsuccessfully looking for a noisy blue needle…

So I give up on them. If we’re to meet on the field of battle, I will be avoiding the cache, so that I won’t at least have that defeat constantly flashing in my face:))

  • Keegen
    422 days ago

    It’s a small rectangle that’s some sort of tech with blue blobs of techrot on it. It does show up on the loot radar, which helps a little, but the dark blue glow stands out way less than the bright green one of the other cache collectible. Apparently it also can spawn up to 100m away from the cache which means it can be multiple tilesets away if you get unlucky.