My favourite faction has to be the funny greenskins. The orks are just so chaotic and funny to me, I never get tired of seeing them on screen.

I mean, a bunch of cockney bois slapdashing shit together that shouldn’t work, and ACTUALLY being a threat is a interesting concept to me.

And that they love the simple life of krumpin some gitz.

What about you, you zoggin meatsack, what’s your faction of choice and why?

    142 months ago

    Imperial Guard. Generally speaking, I like stories of mundane people facing down superhuman/supernatural threats through the power of technology and skill. So the idea of good ol’ fashioned regular humans facing down cybernetic supersoldiers, undying robots, literal demons, and the rest of 40k’s menagerie of horrors via overwhelming artillery, tanks, and fortifications is one I enjoy.

    Sadly, after a brief time in the limelight, it feels like they’ve gone back to being “those guys who die so we can see how cool the Astartes are”. But there was a time where, both lore- and crunch-wise, IG were the undisuputed masters of large-scale armored warfare.

    After them, it’s a tossup of Orks, Necrons, and Mechanicus (do they count as a distinct ‘faction’ now?).

    • Skua
      92 months ago

      I think the Guard are one of the best options for a “your guys” faction too. GW default to Cadians, but you can use basically any historical aesthetic you want and it fits perfectly fine