And it seems like they’re moreso than when the Jade Light update was new.

It feels like their eximus ability tracks more accurately now and moves noticeably, but not drastically, faster. This is bad enough in normal missions but the 1999 tileset can exacerbate it a lot by making hunting the thing down harder above ground or being unable to stop the beam because its origin point is above the ceiling below ground.

Anyone else feel this way/notice the difference?

EDIT: Prior to 1999 I didn’t mind Jade Light Eximus showing up in normal missions. I’m doubting I’ll be returning to Hollovania after rank 5 Hex now in very large part because of the obnoxious prevalence of these gits.

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    23 months ago

    I have just learnt you can stop the beam without killing the eximus. Can’t help you on tracking speed, I find as long as you keep moving they don’t catch up.