Assuming that I understand the way the mod works correctly, it gives +80% additive base damage per unique status effect currently on the target. That being the case, it will be inferior to a maxed Primed Pressure Point until three different status effects have been applied. Why does CO seem to be preferred when it just seems to be not as effective unless you’re also running a status primer of some kind?

  • @TelosBoltor
    12 years ago

    The way i see it pressure point is worthless unless your status chance is like sub 15% If you are spamming E for attacks + warframe abilitys and pet you almost always have 3 effects within the first second or so. At that point its better than pressure point, if the enemy dies before it hits 3 stacks it doesnt matter cuz they are dead anyway. So for steel path etc overlaod will almost certainly be better.