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TIL A restaurant in Long Beach, CA, was found to be serving Popeye’s chicken and passing it off as their own. They would buy the chicken at Popeyes and upcharge for their own chicken and waffles d…
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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/Bluest_waters on 2024-12-31 23:25:54+00:00.
Original Title: TIL A restaurant in Long Beach, CA, was found to be serving Popeye’s chicken and passing it off as their own. They would buy the chicken at Popeyes and upcharge for their own chicken and waffles dish. Once found out the owner refused to apologize.
Gross. People are buying and eating dead animals.
Bro ur not gonna BELIEVE what animals eat
I agree, gross! That’s why I only buy and eat the finest live animals. 🤣🤣🤣
I’m afraid that is the human position in the circle of life.
It would be nice if humans could just absorb nutrition directly from sunlight and the soil.
As humans exist today, they need to consume energy and resources prepared by other life forms, be it fungi, bacteria, plants, or animals.
Animals. I said animals.
Humans can live off of plants just fine. Billions (trillions?) of us have for centuries.
Plants are alive. Why are animals special?
There’s a climate catastrophe, did you notice? Largely its caused by burning fossil fuels and the animal industries.
Sustainable, and regenerative farming for the food supply is a cause I can get behind.
Locally sourced food is good for food independence and famine resistance. I’m on board.
I found this talk on sustainable ruminant agriculture fascinating
One of the biggest things we could change, is moving away from grain fed animals. Which frees up the fields making the grain, the fertilizer for the grain… get the animals back to eating pasture/grass. A cow can produce 5kg of milk solids (protein!!!) per day, just eating grass (which no human can eat anyway)… Animals eating their natural diet are much more sustainable for the planet. Not to mention 15% of the earths surface is range land, not suitable for crops, but suitable for ruminants. Cultivated land is only 4% of earths surface, from that 4% we have to get all of our plant based foods. 15% > 4% so animal food has a place in a sustainable food supply
Then there is the discussion of how effective different foods are, if you need to eat 3kg of plant based food to hit the minimum RDA vs 300g of animal based foods, even if the animal food has a higher footprint it has to be measured in the context of human impact.
Most people are already eating a massively plant based diet, something like 80% of people’s diets in the world comes from plants, and people, especially women, are woefully under eating their protein requirements!
Ahh Jagged circle down voted this, so I suspect they don’t actually care about sustainability, and their objection is something else. Pity, we could have had a productive discussion.
You are not going to have a productive discussion with a militant vegan.
I doubt they are militant
In this sense:
militant (adjective): combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods
Most of the pollution comes from the ships doesn’t it? Not that it stilloant a very efficient way to transport stuff but all this talk of cars when the shipping industry is far larger.
No. I think the animal industry is about half when you measure in carbon equivalent units. Some greenhouse gasses (eg methane) are way worse than carbon dioxide per ton, so you have to convert it to co2 equivalent to see the big picture.
So stepping on puppies is the same as stepping on grass following your logic.
If you do it with the intent to harm life, yes.
Your just not empathetic to one.
But let’s use your puppy example, if you only feed your puppy plant food, they are going to suffer. That’s ok?
So the intent is the only thing what matters here. Not the fact that puppies have central nervous systems that process pain while plants do not. Plant do not feel pain and you know it. Use better arguments.
Dogs can thrive on plant-based diets, so you’re litterally spreading lies.
Since we can’t be civil, I’m just going to block you so we don’t have to interact. I’m happy to have productive discussions, if you think I’m mistaken or misinformed, educate me. But hostile assumption of my motivations is where I draw the line.
On a final parting note:
You’re have been blocked too. Someone using the “plants feels pain” argument should never be taken seriously.
some people can. most people would probably say they need meat and milk and eggs.
And those people would be wrong. Facts matter.
it’s awfully patronizing to think you know someone’s needs better than they do.
Do you also think it’s patronizing to say that gravity exists? Facts are facts.
gravity exists, and you don’t know what others need better than they do.
I would be interested in learning the facts jagged is relying on.
Yes but animals are delicious.
And if we evolved to eat plants we would be prey. Ever wonder why the smartest animals eat meat?
Gorillas would fold you in a second.
that’s not a testament of intelligence
Gorillas are pretty intelligent.
then make that case instead of claiming they’d fold someone.
And they’re delicious!
This strat is not as effective as vegans think it is for changing people’s minds. I don’t know what works, but this one’s clearly not it.
Yup, it’s completely nasty.
You know there’s a place where you can do the jagged vegan circle jerk all you want.
It’s easier that way