This is a bit of a unique twist on the weekly warframe format, instead of me bringing you the frame, it’s time to do the opposite! (this is totally not because I have no ideas for a thread myself, nope!) Doesn’t matter if it’s an incredibly niche or a very popular warframe, if you have something to say about your favorite (or most hated) frame - this is your chance! Maybe you have a concept for a frame that doesn’t exist but you wish it did? This is also the perfect chance to bring it up!

  • @sandriver
    12 months ago

    As the Nukor is a beam, it doesn’t have any wacky interactions with Yareli’s passive, so Yareli’s passive only promotes it from 7% CC to 21% CC. Ideally if you want to really break Yareli, you strictly use projectile weapons.

    One I definitely forgot: the Cestra. It can reach easy tier 6 crits on Yareli.

    • @Kaldo
      22 months ago

      What are the wacky interactions with her passive, I checked and the wiki doesn’t say it does anything special besides just increasing the crit chance additively?

      • @sandriver
        12 months ago

        As of Veilbreaker, we actually got conditional critical checks thanks to Biting Frost, so the old Galvanized Aptitude impact multiplier behaviour spread to crits too. This means Cascadia Accuracy and Acuity are multiplicative to modded crit like Critical Flow on some projectile pistols. Hence why Cestra can get to tier 6 crits.

        • @Kaldo
          2 months ago

          Maybe it’s just been a long work day but can you ELI5 perhaps? What is a conditional critical check? Why do you say “modded crit” when referencing a not-mod source of crit, in this case a passive ability, isn’t that the opposite of a “modded crit”? Why would a direct damage increase from Galvanized Aptitude (if that’s what you mean by “impact”) affect crit chance and get it up to tier 6?

          Does this even have anything to do with Yareli or is it just Acuity+Xata’s Whisper shenanigans, is it all just exploiting a bug? I don’t understand what a simple crit chance increase (on paper) has to do with all of this…

          • @sandriver
            2 months ago

            I’m so deep into glitch buildcraft that the things I reference probably sound like fragments from the Necronomicon to normal players, my bad!

            ELI5: projectile weapons have a bug where Acuity (and other critical buffs with conditions) causes them to have way more crit than they should.

            Conditional crit check: unlike “final crit” like Worthy Comradery, Cat’s Eye from Adarza, Covenant from Harrow; and additive crit such as found on mods and passives, these critical buffs have some condition for activating. Biting Frost requires the enemy to be frozen, Acuity requires a weak point crit, Cascadia Accuracy requires you to have rolled to activate the buff, and so on.

            Modded crit: I thought this would be less ambiguous than “additive crit”, but I just meant “additive crit”. The passives essentially function as mods. Except for Nyx, but she’s bugged in truly radical ways at the moment.

            Galvanized Aptitude: I think I drew in some distracting waffle. Aptitude is the progenitor of all these multiplicative bugs. Essentially what happens is that conditional mods look at the projectile’s stats at the moment it hits an enemy (its “impact behaviour” in DE’s language), so things that should be additive, like Acuity crits or Galv base damage, are instead multiplied against similar mods such as Point Strike or Serration. Mathematically it’s as if the modded, unconditional stats are the new base stats on the projectile.

            Why does this have anything to do with Yareli? I guess it doesn’t, I just wanted to point out that Nukor is not a good recipient of her passive and got drawn off on a side tangent about certain types of weapons being too good with her passive. You can ignore all that and stop at “Yareli synergises with crit pistols” and that’s all she needs.

            The gory details are just that her passive is multiplicative to Acuity on most projectile weapons. You don’t even need Xata, it just has extra layers of shenanigans with this particular bug, such as double-dipping (and more) Deadhead and Acuity bonuses. Yeah it’s just a bug, and it’s really just for funny number entertainment value.

            You can even just run Eclipse or no helminth at all and call it a day, and Yareli can coast through most content with her gigantic shield pool.

            • @Kaldo
              22 months ago

              Thanks for explaining, I think I understand now 😁. I never really delved too much into WF theorycrafting because the game is kinda too easy as it is, but I love reading about stuff like this because it is interesting from a development perspective. It seems like they calculate the damage at the moment when the bullet is fired and in this case, once they have to calculate all the conditionals when it actually hits the target, they don’t know all the internal parameters for damage calculation so too many things get multiplied? I wonder if it’s actually a huge technical undertaking to actually fix this, sounds like the bug has been around for a while after all.

              Maybe the real damage nerf DE needs to do across the board is just fixing the damage formula, that would at least somewhat normalize the stats for a change. It seems so easy to take advantage of these bugs even if you dont explicitly go out of your way to abuse them