Adam McKay says the Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio-starring satire resonates with a widespread feeling of being deceived by government and media
Adam McKay says the Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio-starring satire resonates with a widespread feeling of being deceived by government and media
I liked the movie. The metaphor was as subtle as a club to the forehead, but it was entertaining and meaningful.
The unsubtlety of the metaphor is the metaphor though.
I honestly think this will be a future classic if society survives long enough for such things.
Count me in as someone who missed the club to the forehead. I enjoyed the whole movie, then said to my wife “wow they really went hard on drawing all those parallels to COVID.”
My wife nicely informed me that the movie was actually about climate change.
It’s mostly about climate change, but I don’t think you missed it if you thought Covid.
I thought it was a critique of american idiosincracy, while the world ending crisis is an analogy to climate change imo the main point of the movie is that the US is run by self-interested idiotas.
My problem with the movie is that they’re obviously referencing the republicans when both parties do the same and that the movie is way too “white man burden” coded.
Yes for real biggest issue with it, its basically a harris voters power fantasy lmao
That’s my issue with the movie. People who don’t believe in climate change aren’t going to have their mind changed by a club, but need to be tricked with something subtle. Nothing entrenches someone deeper into their views then calling someone an idiot or telling them they’re wrong. The movie represents everything that’s wrong with how progressives and the “liberal elite” like McKay try and convince people to come to their side. If anything, this movie probably just furthered the divide. Having Leo in it probably didn’t help, conservatives love to point out the hypocrisy of his private jet and yacht.
I say this as someone who worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign and have talked to him about how to change non-progressives minds, although I’m not sure he’s made much progress either. Maybe a little more than McKay.
So who is this movie for, if not to sway climate deniers? If it was really intended to let a liberal audience grandstand and circlejerk about how they’re so much smarter then everyone else (which I’m not denying), then I guess it did a pretty good job of that.
Edit: full disclosure as a movie also didn’t enjoy it, jokes were kinda too on the nose. Also just felt and looked like a Netflix movie, kinda plastic. Idiocracy was way funnier.
Sometimes it’s nice for people who believe in climate change to get a little validation, as a treat.
*Points at LA firestorm*
Take the treats back!
I’m tired of being validated year after year with record temperatures and disasters.
Exactly haha, I get enough real life traumatic validation if I turn on the news for a second or look out my window
This might sound crazy…but this movie is for people who like watching movies…
Right? It is a comedy by Adam McKay. That alone is enough to draw an audience.
Does a movie need to do anything else other than be entertaining?
I doubt the idea was to actually change anyone’s mind.
you’re right, critique movies are nothing more than a treat to keep the discourse going instead of actual action.
I don’t think it’s made to change anyone’s mind. It’s made for people who recognize the issue and are angry at the lack of progress. It’s just a but of funny stress relief for those people, while also saying “yes, it’s and issue and it sucks.” It’s a “preaching to the choir” movie, and the choir appreciates being preached to sometimes.
Not subtle enough. Some conspiracy theorists think it’s about the Covid vaccine.