Shards: 3x tauforged ability strength, tauforged initial energy, tauforged cast speed. Full strip on Avalanche can be reached with 2x tauforged red and 1x normal red, or you can ease the requirements further by running Growing Power instead of Worthy Comradery.

This build is designed to cover almost every threat you will face in EDA:

  • The combination of Silence + Snow Globe will protect objectives, as it prevents abilities like Hollow Vein’s sandstorm, and Blitz Eximus shockwaves from being cast and bypassing Snow Globe.
  • In addition, Silence will block the intensely cursed Eximus Assassination combination from healing the boss.
  • Freeze Force has been buffed to be non-combining and will slow Demolisher Mechs on Disruption missions, in addition to being a powerful damage buff in its own right.
  • Icy Avalanche prevents most EDA debuffs from taking effect, including protecting you and the party from Vampiric Liminus.

The only hole is Mirror Defense’s “objectives take damage” debuff, which we have this week. I had to coordinate with a Mag friend to keep overshields on the objective.

This build is heavily invested into energy economy, including running a Sahasa Kubrow with Synth Deconstruct and Duplex Bond. Panzer is also an excellent option as well, but I like having my emotional support Dispenserdog going “bork bork!”. The energy economy is so that mistakes don’t happen under pressure.

Health Conversion is there to increase the snap overguard from Icy Avalanche casts. Ice Spring is there so I can keep my sanity playing slow old Frost, but you could easily run Preparation, Hand Spring or another movement Exilus.

  • McSquank
    21 month ago

    silence is amazing in eda and ncells